posted by: Garry
| November 24, 2015, 07:53 PM
Thanksgiving is right around the corner and Christmas break is less than a month away. The following month will be a hectic one for students and teachers alike. Now is the time to start planning for the holiday season! If you’re a new teacher or an experienced educator just looking to add a little something new to their lessons this month, we’ve picked our favorite outlets for quality, creative lessons this season. Enjoy!
- Education World’s December Holidays Around the World page
- Mr. Donn’s holiday lesson collection includes lessons on Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Christmas, and more!
- Teachnology has a winter and holiday themed lesson page with activities, games, worksheets and more!
- Teachers Pay Teachers has created a page for all of their winter themed lessons.
- DeepSpaceSparkle has a page dedicated to winter and holiday art lessons that anyone can incorporate into their classroom.
- Let’s Play Music has Christmas and Winter pages where they keep their music-themed lessons.
- There’s several Pinterest boards that focus on Christmas activities, like this one, this one, or this other one.
- Web English Teacher goes into depth with their lesson plans on A Christmas Carol.
- A to Z Teacher Stuff keeps a comprehensive page of lesson plans and activities for the month of December.
- Teach With Movies is a site provides resources for movies in the classroom including several Christmas movies like A Christmas Carol, The Nutcracker, and It’s a Wonderful Life.
Do you have a resource to add? Add the link to our comments below!