Earn Professional Development Credit Abroad at Discounted Rates |
posted by: Garry | March 30, 2015, 05:33 PM |
If these adventures sound like farfetched ambitions...think again. Global Exploration for Educators Organization (GEEO) can make them happen. GEEO is a 501c3 non-profit organization that runs professional development travel programs designed for teachers. They're offering some amazing travel programs for teachers in 2015, including trips to:
The registration deadline is June 1st, 2015. Space is limited and many programs will fill well before the deadline, so if you're interested, sign up today! Educators not only have the option to earn professional development credit, but they can earn graduate school credit as well. These trips range from 8 to 21 days in length and are designed and discounted exclusively for teachers. In addition to GEEO's amazing tour leaders, many of their programs are accompanied by university faculty members that are experts on your chosen travel destination. GEEO also provides teachers with educational materials and the structure to help bring your experiences into the classroom. The trips are open to all nationalities of K-12 and university educators and administrators - including retired educators. You can even bring along a non-educator guest! Have you ever traveled abroad for Professional Development credit?
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